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Chattanooga and Bicycle Pedestrian Data Collection

CLIENT: Chattanooga-Hamilton County Regional Planning Agency

Purpose of Project

For the Chattanooga-Hamilton County/North Georgia Transportation Planning Organization (CHCNGA TPO) staffed by the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Regional Planning Agency (RPA), Modern Mobility Partners is overseeing the collection and processing of bicycle, pedestrian, scooter, and wheelchair traffic by our data collection vendor.


These bicycle, pedestrian, scooter, and wheelchair traffic counts are being collected at 25 locations identified in the TPO Area-Wide Bicyclist & Pedestrian Count Program.  The 25 locations are expected to have supportive land use and transportation infrastructure for walking and biking. The sites are in five jurisdictions and 15 of the sites are in disadvantaged areas.  Counts are being collected twice a year over three years (2020-2023) resulting in six count collection periods. 


After each collection period, the data is processed and provided to the TPO that includes attribute codes consistent with Sections 7.9 and 7.10 “Nonmotorized Count Data Format” of the FHWA’s Traffic Monitoring Guide (TMG). 


Our Role on the Project

Modern Mobility Partners is the prime consultant and is responsible for program oversight, including any adjustments to the methodology, reviewing deliverables for reasonableness, completeness, and compliance with the. “Nonmotorized Count Data Format” of the FHWA’s TMG.  As part of the reasonableness analysis, Modern Mobility Partners charts the counts by time of day for each count location, as well as compares to previous count periods, to identify any anomalies.


Chattanooga and Bicycle Pedestrian Data Collection Graphic



730 Peachtree Street NE
Suite 650

Atlanta, GA 30308


941 West Morse Boulevard
Suite 100

Winter Park, FL 32789


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