VISUM Subarea Model Development and Evaluation of Downtown Streets for Two-Way Restoration
CLIENT: Atlanta Downtown Improvement District (ADID)
Purpose of Project
As the prime consultant, MMP developed a subarea focus model for Atlanta Downtown Improvement District using the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC)’s activity-based model (ABM) to evaluate the conversion of several downtown Atlanta one-way streets to two-way streets. The end-products were used to quantify and evaluate the impacts of two-way conversion projects quickly and to prioritize projects and develop a phasing plan. The VISUM model is considered a “meso-level” model where it has a finer level of detail than ARC’s regional activity-based model (macro) but is not as detailed as a microsimulation model, such as VISSIM. MMP validated the existing VISUM model for the study area and developed 2030 future models for evaluation of downtown streets for two-way restoration. VISUM output matrices and a summary of comparison metrics from the 2030 No Build and Build models, including Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and fuel savings, congestion benefits of Vehicle-Hours Traveled (VHT) and total delay reductions, accessibility impacts, etc. were estimated to better understand transportation and broader benefits for the two-way restoration projects. The model outputs and evaluation findings were also used to garner additional stakeholder and funding support for projects and support the development of a phasing and implementation plan.
Our Role on the Project
As the prime consultant with no subconsultants on this project, Modern Mobility Partners completed all the work activities indicated above.