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Henry County Comprehensive Transportation Plan

CLIENT: City of Atlanta

Purpose of Project 

The Henry County Comprehensive Transportation Plan (HCCTP) and Trails Master Plan is being conducted to update the local transportation plans that are made a part of the regional transportation planning process. As part of a team, Modern Mobility Partners (MMP) is helping to identify existing conditions for emerging technologies, such as Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAV), and other technologies that can relieve congestion, improve safety, and provide a more connected transportation system. The HCCTP focuses on serving the travel needs of people and goods, including residents, commuters, workers, and visitors, to enhance the quality of life in Henry County.


Our Role on the Project

As part of a team, MMP led all elements of the existing conditions for emerging technologies, as well as identifying emerging technology projects for future implementation. MMP also conducted the project prioritization portion of the project, developing evaluation metrics based on the Goals and Objectives of the projects to prioritize the projects most aligned with Henry County’s needs.  Below are some highlights of how we provided additional value above and beyond the typical CTP:

·    Data Analytics

·    National Best Practices Research

·    Transit Planning

·    Bike and Pedestrian Planning

·    Freight Planning

·    At-Grade Railroad Crossings

·    Performance-Based Planning

·    Economic Impacts

·    Infrastructure Funding Strategy


Problem Solvers

Shortly after kicking off the plan update, MMP conducted a nationwide best practices search for emerging technologies related to improving congestion, safety, and other transportation needs. The emerging technologies were highlighted and shared with stakeholders to explain how they function and where they could best be utilized in Henry County to improve the transportation network. By engaging stakeholders early, emerging technologies were clearly introduced and explained in such a way that their implementation made sense for the county officials.  

Henry County Comprehensive Transportation Plan Image
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