I-285 Westside Express Lanes
General Engineering Consultant (GEC)
CLIENT: Georgia Department of Transportation
Purpose of Project
The I-285 Westside Express Lane project is a part of the larger Georgia Express Lanes (EL) system, which will add new buffer-separated express lanes in each direction on I-285 between I-20 and I-75 along the I-285 mainline.
Our Role on the Project
As a subconsultant to the I-285 Westside Express GEC, MMP has the following responsibilities:
Leading the travel demand modeling and supporting traffic activities to prepare the development of the forecasted traffic volumes for express lanes and general purpose (GP) lanes along the I-285 Westside corridor for both opening and design year.
Leading the Environmental Justice (EJ) analysis for tolling effects of the Westside Express Lanes project.
Supporting the Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSATs) modeling analysis using Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) to assess the air quality impact of the Westside Express Lanes project
Lead the Transportation System Report development that will provide transportation performance characteristics of the project
Problem Solvers
With deep understanding of the managed lanes analysis and implementation practice across the country, MMP was able to utilize the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC)’s Activity Based Model (ABM) to conduct modeling analysis and identify the growth trends of the traffic patterns along the express lanes. MMP uses selected link analysis within ABM to access the tolling effects on low income communities including the toll trips changes with and without the express lanes.