I-85 Corridor Planning & Environmental Linkages (PEL) Study
CLIENT: Georgia Department of Transportation
Purpose of Project
The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) and Gwinnett County are partnering to conduct a comprehensive corridor study along I-85 between I-285 and I-985. The study area is roughly 18 miles long and is primarily located within Gwinnett County, with a small portion in DeKalb County. The study will propose solutions for the corridor to reduce congestion, enhance traffic operations, and improve safety. Through collaboration with stakeholders and the public, a wide range of potential alternatives will be identified. These alternatives will be analyzed, and recommendations will be developed for implementation.
The study is utilizing FHWA’s Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) framework to encourage transportation decision-makers to incorporate environmental considerations, community, and economic goals early in the transportation planning process. Decision-makers can then rely on more robust planning analysis, studies, and decisions throughout project development and during the environmental review processes of transportation projects. PEL aims to create a more unified decision-making process, resulting in less duplication of efforts and more informed project-level decisions.
Our Role on the Project
As part of a team, Modern Mobility Partners (MMP) led the following efforts:
Provided a comprehensive list of strategies that are derived from best practices and experience from urban corridor planning. Those strategies were selected and applied to develop future improvements along the study corridor.
Conducted Activity Based Model (ABM) analysis and Traffic and Revenue (T&R) analysis for different managed lane improvement scenarios.
Evaluated the managed lane scenarios for Tier 1 and Tier 2 and recommended managed lane improvement scenarios for the study corridor.
Supported traffic engineering analysis by utilizing HCS and FREEVAL, a macroscopic freeway analysis tool to evaluate the roadway improvement scenarios.
Supported and presented at the virtual public meeting focusing on the managed lane opportunities
Problem Solvers
MMP established managed lane evaluation framework to prioritize different managed lane improvements along the study corridor during Tier 1 and Tier 2 to achieve the PEL goals and objectives. Different data sources including ABM model outputs, origin and destination trip data, and numerous other data were fed into the thought evaluation processes of Tier 1 and Tier 2 evaluation. The recommended managed lanes incorporated mobility, freight, community needs and multi-modal options.