National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) 08-124:
Quantifying the Impacts of Corridor Management
CLIENT: National Academy of Sciences
Purpose of Project
The objective of National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) 08-124: Quantifying the Impacts of Corridor Management is to (1) to produce a framework for measuring the impacts of corridor management, demonstrating applicable strategies and techniques; and (2) to develop guidelines for how to implement that framework. This framework will include multi-jurisdictional corridor-wide transportation and land-use planning that affects community and economic vitality. It will reflect a desire to maximize public value by implementing programs for effective infrastructure improvements and investments at a corridor level. Lastly, it will provide guidance for state DOTs, regional, and local transportation and land-use planning agencies, working together with both public and private stakeholders, to coordinate development planning and infrastructure investment in multi-modal passenger and freight transportation networks. Ultimately, the final report will include recommendations for models and/or strategic approaches to measure impacts (quantitatively and qualitatively) and integrate current practices with potential changes that can occur, taking into account risk and uncertainty in long-term planning and forecasting methods.
Our Role on the Project
As part of a team, Modern Mobility Partners (MMP) led the Eastern Seaboard Corridor Case Study. This included extensive research and conducting interviews with state DOTs and MPOs along the Eastern Seaboard from Florida to Maine. In addition to the I-85 and I-95 facilities themselves, supporting ancillary corridors and modal systems of varying levels within the targeted geographic focus areas were presented as part of the overall review. Examples of topics highlighted in the report include truck parking, commercial vehicle lanes, Planning & Environmental Linkages (PEL), smart corridor systems, open data dashboards, corridor management, connected vehicles (CVs) and integrated corridor management, and performance measures. MMP also developed an application in R Shiny to help corridor managers assess CV readiness.
Problem Solvers
There are many resources about corridor management but knowing where to begin in terms of preparing for CVs can be challenging. Therefore, MMP created a user-friendly application for corridor managers. Users simply enter some basic information and answer a series of questions. The application then generates a “report card” indicating the corridor’s level of CV readiness and offering tangible next steps for preparing for CVs.