South Forsyth CID Master Plan
CLIENT: South Forsyth Community Improvement District
Purpose of Project
Under an on-call Transportation Planning contract, Modern Mobility Partners completed South Forsyth’s Community Improvement District’s (SFCID) first Master Plan. The primary goal of the project was to create a vision for the future of the SFCID including all transportation modes, landscaping, beautification, and branding for the area. This process involved engagement with the community, SFCID board members, and stakeholders, analyzing the existing conditions, identifying future needs, evaluating future projects to be implemented, and the creation of an action plan. Overall, the Master Plan intends to address the growing travel demands of the area considering its dynamic growth now that Forsyth County is a member of the Atlanta Regional Commission.
Our Role on the Project
Modern Mobility Partners served as lead consultant for the project and led or oversaw all elements of the Master Plan, including project management, public and stakeholder involvement, data collection, existing conditions and future needs, project evaluation, project prioritization, and project implementation planning.
Furthermore, Modern Mobility Partners has continued to assist South Forsyth Community Improvement District in ongoing tasks relating to grant writing, mapping, branding, and landscaping moving forward.
Problem Solvers
The unique challenges associated with this project included it being the SFCID’s first Master Plan. Modern Mobility Partners quickly identified interests and priorities among South Forsyth CID’s Board Members and involved stakeholders. In doing so, a three-tiered project evaluation framework was set up for SFCID to pursue in the short-, medium-, and long-term. The early involvement of Board Members and stakeholders allowed for a seamless vision and implementation plan for the future of transportation in SFCID.
